Thursday, May 6, 2010


Mat 18:21 At that point Peter got up the nerve to ask, "Master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?"
22 Jesus replied, "Seven! Hardly. Try seventy times seven.

Oh how easily we are willing to hold a grudge and think another has worn out our patience. We may even feel righteous, or should I say, self righteous, if we forgive somebody once, twice, seven times. We may be quick to draw a sword if we sense OUR rights were violated. Lord have mercy! I've been there.
Jesus continues:
23-25"The kingdom of God is like a king who decided to square accounts with his servants. As he got under way, one servant was brought before him who had run up a debt of a hundred thousand dollars. He couldn't pay up, so the king ordered the man, along with his wife, children, and goods, to be auctioned off at the slave market.

26-27"The poor wretch threw himself at the king's feet and begged, 'Give me a chance and I'll pay it all back.' Touched by his plea, the king let him off, erasing the debt.

That is exactly what our lord has done for us. We owed a heavy debt for our sin. Sin is anything that separates us from our heavenly father. Jesus paid our debt. Our own righteousness is as stinky, foul rags, according to scripture. Our ways are right, in our own eyes. But God almighty is the righteous judge.

28"The servant was no sooner out of the room when he came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him ten dollars. He seized him by the throat and demanded, 'Pay up. Now!'

Another scripture comes to mind. "to whom much is given, much is required." No sooner had this man been forgiven that he was required to do the same."

29-31 "The poor wretch threw himself down and begged, 'Give me a chance and I'll pay it all back.' But he wouldn't do it. He had him arrested and put in jail until the debt was paid. When the other servants saw this going on, they were outraged and brought a detailed report to the king.

32-35 "The king summoned the man and said, 'You evil servant! I forgave your entire debt when you begged me for mercy. Shouldn't you be compelled to be merciful to your fellow servant who asked for mercy?' The king was furious and put the screws to the man until he paid back his entire debt. And that's exactly what my Father in heaven is going to do to each one of you who doesn't forgive unconditionally anyone who asks for mercy."

We are not called to judge one another, rather we are to forgive one another as God has for Christ's sake forgive you. Luke 6:37
English Standard Version
"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;"

In another version it phrases it Luke 6:37
The Message
"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier."

Lord, I am sorry for the times I was critical. Your heart is restoration and I offer myself to you for restoration. Have your way in me, and thank you for forgiveness. Even as you forgive, I forgive those who have trespassed against me. I know this pleases you, my lord. Bless you lord. In Jesus' name.

Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God, and every one who loves is born of God and knows God. If you don't love, you don't know God, for God is love.

Lord, search my heart. Test it, try it. Burn away the dross. I want to love as you love. Manifest your love through me.

It is a good thing to humble ourselves before the lord. Follow after peace, beloved ones.

Grayce Pedulla Dillon © 2010

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